How to Decorate Your Home With Old China Plates

Instead of just throwing your old china plates away, use them to decorate different rooms of your house. One of the best ways to save money on decorating your home is by reusing items what you already have. Old china can look great when you use them creatively for the décor of your home.

Solid Oak Shelf

Make a Mosaic Table from Old China Plates

Solid Oak Shelf

If you have old plates that are chipped or broken, you don't have to toss them in the garbage. Instead break them up even more and use them to make a mosaic table from the pieces of the old china plates.

o Simply break the pieces of the china into smaller pieces.

o Then take the pieces and arrange them on a table with a flat surface such as a coffee table or side table.

o Glue the pieces of the plates onto the surface of the table making a mosaic pattern.

o Use grout to seal the pieces in place and give the table a finished appearance.

o You can arrange the pieces in whatever pattern you like and even use colored grout to give the table some more character.

Display Old China Plates on a Shelf

If you old plates have some character to them, then why not display them on a shelf? China can be used as wall décor in more than just the dining room. You can display the plates in the living room, kitchen, or even a bedroom if they fit the style of the room.

Try to use a shelf that matches the style of the plates. For example, if the plates are old and look antique, use a distressed wood shelf to match the plates. Use all different sizes of the plates to give the area a unique style.

Hang Old China Plates on the Wall

You can find plate hangers at craft and home stores that will easily hang any plate securely on the wall. Although this is a very popular way of decorating with china plates, you can make your home unique by using all different types and sizes of plates in a single area. If you have to, check out consignment shops and flea markets for other plates that will match your old china to create a trendy décor space.

Paint the Old China Plates

If you have old plates that are a solid color, especially if they are all white, you can paint the plates before you use them to decorate a room. Use acrylic paint and you can paint them all one color or if you are creative you can paint pictures or patterns on them. You can paint the plates to match the décor of your dining room or kitchen and then hang them on the wall or shelf. This is a great way to use old china plates to get a new look from a room. You can even have your kids paint the plates and hang them in their room for them to have as a cute art project.

Next time you decide to buy new china plates, don't throw your old ones away. Instead save some money and use them to decorate your home.

How to Decorate Your Home With Old China Plates
Solid Oak Shelf

Sauder Book Cases Bookcase Kids Room

The Doctrine of Hell - Here's Why You Don't Really Believe in It

There are three types of doctrine mentioned in Scripture: 1) that of Demons, 2) that of Man, and 3) that of Christ and of God.

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There's no reason anyone should check one's proverbial brains at the door or eat every can of peas on the shelf when it comes to being a "hearer" of God's Word.

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Think, people, think! As Thomas Jefferson said, "Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, He must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." Ask until you receive a satisfactory response. In other words, blind faith is ridiculous.

Asking questions about such a seemingly basic aspect of orthodoxy as "Hell" is undoubtedly going to spawn MORE questions. Its answers are bound to create more than a few "Us vs. Them" debates. Please RESIST the tendency to break fellowship with those who disagree with you for "a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand" - and we already have over 30,000 denominations divided over a myriad of differences. On second thought, I recall Jesus saying He didn't come to bring peace but a sword.

I am certain some readers will accuse me - as some already have - of "sending people to a Hell I don't believe in" when, as you'll see, I am not making any such statement. Several individuals have referred to me as spreading heresy, forgetting that many of their own beliefs are still considered heresy by a large portion of Christians (speaking in tongues, Divine Healing, casting out demons, etc.)

Others will be left bumfuzzled after reading this as they struggle to find their place in the Body of Christ because, after all, without the Hell they've come to know and love, they will feel a bit "out-of-work," somehow feeling they've lost their sense of purpose in The Body. I can relate.

Still others will find themselves glad that someone else has asked the questions they dared never vocalize.

I realize that, in accordance with standard orthodox Christian teaching, we are SUPPOSED to believe in, teach about, and warn others about the fiery place of eternal torment. Though one denomi-nation may disagree with the next in regard to a plethora of other topics - some of which, one might contend, will result in a quick ticket to Hell - BOTH will link spiritual arms in pious alliance against anyone who doesn't preach and teach on the traditional concept of Hell.

At least until the NEXT source of doctrinal contention rears its head.

This is such a contradiction when one considers that we are SUPPOSED to be spreading the Gospel (literally, "Good News") in accordance with the command of Jesus but, too often, are the bearers of BAD news, i.e., eternal Hell. We seem to use the subject of eternal damnation as a means for terrorizing others into "getting saved," attempting to cause them to repent of sinful lifestyles or condemning those whom we don't particularly care for anyway. Though such terrorism may be the farthest thing from our minds, truth is, perception is reality. Too often, we are seen as being quite repulsive to others as we "witness" to them and bludgeon them with scriptures.

Clearly, we are good at reminding others of how bad they are, judging others by what they DO and judging ourselves by our good intentions. Forget about showing the kind of agape love Jesus extended to a hooker or the woman at the well - we prefer condemning them, picketing against them, showering them with "go to Hell" Scripture verses, etc. We will even do so in union with people who may differ from us on other core doctrinal issues.


A college student stopped by one day and he mentioned that his friend, an atheist, had told him he did not respect the faith of most Christians because, if they REALLY believed in the Hell they claim to believe in, they would - out of love - relentlessly attempt, in a consistent manner, to get their neighbors and coworkers converted regardless of consequences, rather than expect the unbelievers to enter their church buildings. Amen!

Do we REALLY believe in Hell as we say we do? If so, why do we play Russian Roulette with the lives of our children by daring to bring them into this world at all, when we know there's less than a 50/50 chance they may ever make a "decision" for Christ?

Think about that.

While you wrestle with that question, if we REALLY believe in the eternal torment of Hell, wouldn't the hideous act of abortion be a merciful act?


What is this "Hell" we hear so much about? Hell is actually an Old English word whereas the word which Mark used in his Gospel was the Greek word "Gehenna," which certainly does imply FIRE. However, the Greek word for "fire" itself is the word "pyr" or "pur" from which we get "pure."

Hmmm. Fire can destroy but it can also purify, purge and bring purity. Keep that in mind.

Unfortunately, in most passages in the translations of the New Testament where the word Hell is found, the original Greek reveals a different word, "Hades" - which does NOT refer to FIRE at all. Homer called the place of the dead the "House of Hades." Hades was the Greek god of the underworld, the god of death. Eventually, Hades evolved into the very name for the underworld itself.

In Biblical usage, the Greek word Hades - used only 11 times in the New Testament - is roughly equivalent to the Old Testament Hebrew word "Sheol," meaning "grave" or "pit ." Compare Acts 2:27 (AMP): " For You will not abandon my soul, leaving it helpless in Hades (the state of departed spirits), nor let Your Holy One know decay or see destruction [of the body after death]" with Psalm 16:10 (AMP): "For You will not abandon me to Sheol (the place of the dead), neither will You suffer Your Holy One to see corruption."

Hades may be likened to a hole in the ground. In the Bible, it has nothing to do with fire. Most modern biblical translators admit that the use of the English word Hell to translate Hades and Sheol is an unfortunate and misleading practice.

Why? Because in reading the word Hell, many readers revert to an ever-burning inferno when this was never remotely intended in the Greek language or in Old English!

Hades, in Biblical usage, refers to the place of the dead - but not in the sense of spirits walking around in some other dimension. In that sense, one might say, everyone who dies goes to Hell. Sheol, as I mention-ed, refers to the actual grave. Sheol was not a place of torment or punishment. Jacob spoke of going there (Genesis 37:35, 42:38, 44:29-31), Job longed for it (Job 14:13), David spoke of going there (Psalm 49:15), King Solomon taught his audience to work hard while on the earth for there is no work in "Sheol", the place they were destined to (Ecclesiastes 9:10), and even Jesus went there (Psalm 16:10, Acts 2:24-31).

Tartarus (or Tartaros) was a name used by the later classical writers such as Virgil as another name for Hades. Homer, on the other hand, described Tartarus as a different place, lying as far beneath Hades as Hades is beneath the earth. It was in this bottomless pit of Tartarus, according to classical mythology, that the Greek god Zeus confined those who had resisted him. 2 Peter 2:4 of the Holman Christian Bible and Young's Literal translations are the only Bible versions I researched that utilized the word "Tartarus" in place of "Hell" ("...God did not spare the angels who sinned, but threw them down into Tartarus and delivered them to be kept in chains of darkness until judgment...").


It's almost as though Christians everywhere are telling the world, "God loves you but if you don't say the Sinner's Prayer/Get Baptized/Walk the Aisle/Say a Profession of Faith, etc., before you die, then my loving God will torture you forever."

Be honest with yourself RIGHT NOW:

Don't you HATE that about God's plan?

Don't you hate that about our "loving" Father?

Don't you REALLY wish the concept of Hell was NOT part of His agenda as you've been taught?

Do you struggle with the thought of a kindly grandparent damned to Hell because of being affiliated with a so-called "cult" or "false religion"?

Do you struggle with the thought of a brave non-Christian fireman who died in the Twin Towers, being consumed forever in Hell's fire?

How about a heroic "unsaved" Marine in Iraq saving the lives of his buddies? Remember, Jesus said "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends." [John 15:13 NASB].

If the goal of Heaven is to become like Jesus, these men seem to have accomplish-ed the task.

A wise man once said, "Flood the battlefield of ideas with questions." If you've never asked any, out of fear of "Rocking the Boat" or being ostracized or shunned, consider these:

Q: Is the Gospel merely Good News for that small portion of humanity who "got saved" before they died in a shipwreck, on a battlefield, in a car accidents, from a wild animal attack, from disease or old age?

Q: What about the babies who were miscarried, died at birth, or as infants and toddlers? Are they in Hell, or have we embraced other concepts on this matter in order to comfort ourselves?

Q: Is salvation only for Christians? What about those who never heard the Gospel?

Q: Who do we consider to be "Christians" any way? Those who repeat the Sinner's Prayer? Those baptized by immersion? Those absolved of sins by an ordained priest? Perhaps it's those who have stopped sinning. If so, I'm in trouble! What about the naked tribal people on an island somewhere who died having never heard the Name of Jesus...the deaf mute...the retarded person? Let's think these things through LOGICALLY.

Q: Are Christians limited ONLY to those who "received Jesus" before they died? (Mark 9:37 reveals that when we "receive him", we are NOT receiving Jesus, "but Him who sent me", i.e., The Father).

What about the recent reports of Muslims in Islamic nations who are reporting to have SEEN the risen Christ, became Believers, yet continue to worship God in a mosque through daily prayers, continuing to refer to Him as "Allah" - simply because it's all they've ever known? Does God REALLY look at the heart while man looks at the outside (1 Samuel 16:7)?

Q: Does Jesus decide when He might bring a person to faith, or do we, by way of our religious training, make that determination for Him by way of one of our various man made salvation rituals?

Frankly, one of the main problems in the Church is that we are too often preaching an unbiblical "Gospel of Salvation" while neglecting the teaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom as Jesus instructed us (mainly due to our misunderstanding of the subject).

Q: Why didn't Moses warn about Hell in the Ten Commandments or the Mosaic Covenant consisting of over 600 OTHER laws, ordinances, and warnings? Did He forget? Did He simply neglect to mention it? The Mosaic Law simply stated blessings and cursings IN THIS LIFETIME for failure to keep the Mosaic Law.

Q: Why does David say in the King James Bible, "Though I make my bed in Hell (Sheol) lo, Thou art there? (Note: Most Christian Bibles NO LONGER have the word "Hell" in the Old Testament. The KJV, written over 350 years ago, is an exception. The Jews do NOT put the word "Hell" in their English translations of the Hebrew Scriptures, that is, the Old Testament, and the leading English Christian Bibles have removed it because it is NOT in the originals.

Q: If good people go to Heaven and bad people go to Hell, why does EVERYONE, good or bad, go to the same place in the Old Testament? They ALL go to Sheol which the King James Version translated "Hell" thirty-one times, "grave" thirty-one times and "pit" three times. Are we all destined to go to Hell or did the King's translators make some gross translational errors?

Q: Why don't the Jews, who know the Old Testament better than most Christians, NOT believe in the modern Christian concept of Hell? They say they don't believe it because it is not in their Scriptures. We cannot find Hell in the Old Testament (check it out at

Q: Why is it the most literal, accurate, plain English translation of the New Testament does NOT include the following words: sinner, Hell, Hades, sin, evil, forever, or eternal (Jesus, Christ or lord, for that matter)? It's not that these don't exist, but these actual "churchy" words we use all the time simply aren't there! Think about it!

Q: If Hell doesn't exist in the Old Testament (neither the concept or the word), how could Jesus and His disciples teach that salvation was deliverance from a place that was not even found in their Scriptures (there was only the Old Testament at that time)? Would that not qualify Him as a false teacher? Could it be that Jesus never taught the modern concept of Hell in the first place? Could it be that this concept has been added to the church and SOME Bible translations through "traditions of men" as a result of doctrines of demons, or of man?

Q: Some English translations use the word "Hell" for the Greek word "Gehenna," in the New Testament. Why didn't this same place (Gehenna, south of Jerusalem and the figurative equivalent to the concept of "Hell" - the city's stinky garbage dump where trash, dead criminals, sewage and dead animals wound up - get translated "Hell" in the many places where it appears in the Hebrew form "ga ben Hinnom" (valley of the son of Hinnom) in the Old Testament? (By the way, Gehenna is a beautiful park today - yes, I've actually seen pictures of "Hell").

Q: If the Jews did not see the valley of Gehenna as a symbol of everlasting torture, why do SOME English translations give this word that meaning? Why do we simply "parrot" what we've been taught when so many resources are available that prove otherwise?

Q: Pagans sacrificed their own children to Molech, burning them in Gehenna. What was God's response for Israel doing such a horrible thing to their children? (Jer. 32:33-35)

Q: How could God say "such a thing never entered His mind" if we are taught He is going to do the very same thing to most of His own children? Did He get the idea from the Molech worshipers?

Thinking Christians can probably come up with many other thought-provoking questions besides these.


A question is a truth-finder. We cannot make quality decisions without quality information. When you know the truth, that truth shall make you free! Those who have the truth should encourage questions and provide solid answers that make sense. Did YOU have answers to those questions listed above?

I am certain that many who read this article will respond with a variety of proof texts with which to support the traditional concept of Hell. (Please don't waste your time; I can come up with just as many verses IN SUPPORT of the traditional teachings on this very subject in contrast to original meanings). On the other hand, based upon the many questions and comments I've received over the years, I think it's time we start answering the questions for which many haven't been receiving satisfactory answers.

Trust me, just like the current "Town Hall Meeting" trend in regard to America's Health Care issue, people are asking questions that their spiritual leaders aren't answering adequately. "Towing the party-line" is no longer sufficient and, frankly, is beginning to tick people off.


The Bible says that it is appointed to men once to die, and after that the judgment (Heb. 9:27-28). It does NOT say, "after death all hope is gone!"

For example: Sodom's fiery judgment is "eternal" (Jude 7) UNTIL God "will restore the fortunes of Sodom (Ez 16:53-55). (For similar examples of "forevers" that lasted UNTIL, go to Jer 30:12-17; Micah 1:9 and Ezekiel 16:53; Zephaniah 2:9, Jeremiah 25:27 and Jeremiah 49:6; Deuteronomy 23:3; Habakkuk 3;6 and there are MANY other "forever-UNTIL" examples.)

The verses that speak of everlasting fire or judgment, must be understood in the light of God's love. They are "everlasting" - continuous and on-going UNTIL God's judgment serves to accomplish His unchanging will and purpose to unite ALL creation in Christ (Gen. 12:3, Romans 4:13, Heb. 6:17). Second Corinthians 5:19 tells us that God was in Christ reconciling the world ("cosmos" or universe) to Himself; that's either true or it's a lie.

The point is, eternal torment was never on the mind of God nor was it ever implied in Revelation 21:8, "...But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

This defines most of us, doesn't it? Ever been afraid? Ever entertained doubt? Ever been immoral? Ever lied? Jesus said we murder when we don't love and commit adultery when we lust. The purification process is one we must all endure.

Pure, purge, purifying... all derived from "pur" - the Greek word for FIRE!

Don't fret. Now, as an Overcomer, you'll have no part of the second death. Those who have NOT yet overcome, yes, these WILL require that purification fire, a purification fire which began at Pentecost. Our God IS a consuming fire. As with the burning bush, anything unholy or impure MUST be destroyed (you may recall how the bush Moses saw was NOT consumed).

God's fire has one purpose: purification and cleansing. Gold, silver, precious stone are all purified by fire. An interesting note: According to Strong's concordance Brimstone, (#2303) comes from the Greek "theion" which, according to Thayer's Greek Lexicon, refers to divine incense, because burning brimstone was regarded as having power to purify, and to ward off disease. The Greek "theion" has the same root as "theos," meaning "God." In other words, it is God's judgment that purifies.

We are described as being "living stones." Those who stand before God with fear, unbelief, having not overcome, will be "salted" with His fire.

Here's a thought: God told Jeremiah that he'd put His words in Jeremiah's mouth and they'd become fire that would burn the residue of His people. Psalm 104:4 tells us: "[God] makes winds His messengers, flames of fire His ministers." With that in mind, we are ALL ministers of reconcili-ation; a royal priesthood; a kingdom of priests and kings. Could it be that our message - the Good News - is what will bring about the restitution of all things and restore the created to its Creator? If so, when will we begin that mission?


The eternal torment doctrine entered into Church during the Dark Ages. The Church brought people into bondage to this doctrine in order to keep them subservient to the Church. I call it "Systems Manage-ment." That Middle Ages church, the mother of harlots, birthed "many daughters" and even those who claim to be free today remain bound - fearful - by this teaching on eternal punishment.

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) was a medieval Italian poet. His travels among the damned are recorded in The Inferno, the first part of his three-part Divine Comedy, an account of his imaginary journeys through Hell, Purgatory and Heaven.

Does life imitate art? Apparently so. Dante didn't get his concept from the Bible or Church doctrine. No, the Church got these ideas from Dante.

Though Dante's primary purpose in writing the poem was to satirize persons and circumstances of his day, the theology of his work is based firmly on the system of Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), Italian theologian and philosopher. The Divine Comedy is a relatively accurate dramatization of medieval Christian theology. Simpleton's of Dante's day actually believed he had visited Hell and was giving an eye-witness report. This writing made a tremendous impression on popular Christian thought to this day and has taken root firmly in our culture.

Dante's medieval picture of Hell was as an enormous prison camp - a nightmarish place of eternal torment, horrible beyond imagination, ruled by Satan and his demons. We KNOW Satan doesn't live there with his minions because 1 Peter 5:8 tells us, "...your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." Regarding the war in the heavenlies, Isaiah 14:12 says of Lucifer, "..."How you are fallen from heaven, O shining star, son of the morning! You have been thrown down to the earth, you who destroyed the nations of the world."

Personally, I don't believe Satan and his army were tossed into Hell. They were thrown to Earth (there goes the neighbor-hood), bringing with them all the hierarchical systems of Heaven that were intended for angels, NOT man, who was intended to be the most liberated creature in the universe. This heavenly system pervades everyday life. The Army, for example, which has generals at the top of the pyramid and privates at the bottom, is a hierarchical system. Education, industry, medicine, politics... even Religion... have all adapted to the ungodly hierarchical model.

God never intended for any man to rule over another. The ONLY time we should look down upon another is when we're reaching down to help them up.

Long as I'm sharing my own opinions, it's my opinion Dante's Inferno was a cruel joke upon the Church that began over 700 years ago. To quote Don McLean's American Pie, "...I saw Satan laughing with delight..."

The concept of some type of Hell can be found in one form or another among all the world's great religions. Billions have lived and died over the millennia believing in - and fearing - a place of eternal torment and punishment. Many today continue to wonder, "Is there really a Hell?" and "Will I end up there?"

Perhaps this is why Hebrews 12:14-15 tells us, "Since, therefore, [these His] children share in flesh and blood [in the physical nature of human beings], He [Himself] in a similar manner partook of the same [nature], that by [going through] death He might bring to naught and make of no effect him who had the power of death--that is, the devil-- and also that He might deliver and completely set free all those who through the [haunting] fear of death were held in bondage throughout the whole course of their lives."

Gehenna's fires "are not quenched and its worm does not die" was a metaphor Jesus used that the Jews could relate to. Gehenna, like any other garbage dump, belched out smoke and fire and was filled with maggots.

Did you know that 33% of Manhattan is filled land created from household trash from the past two centuries? Fresh Kills Landfill in Staten Island is now a beautiful landscape built on 51 years of New York City trash. My own son - once a Texas garbage collector - was initially surprised at the extreme heat under all the trash as well as the pipes throughout the dump which allowed gas to escape.

Again, Gehenna's fires "are not quenched and its worm does not die" - UNTIL the restoration of ALL things which has been spoken of by all God's holy prophets (Christ included) since the world began. Jesus did not come to contradict His own prophets; He came to fulfill the law AND the prophets!

Acts 3:19-21 reminds us, "Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, whom Heaven must receive until the times of restoration of ALL things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began."

Our Lord does not "cast off forever" (Lam. 3:31-32, Heb. 13:8). He who taught us to forgive and bless our enemies will surely do the same for His own. For every tongue will give thanks that in Him they have righteousness and strength. All flesh will bless His name forever and ever. Our Lord will not fail or become discouraged until He fulfills all of God's purpose, word and will.

Jesus tells us: "For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt." (Mk 9:42-49)

The REAL purpose of our fiery trials is NOT to torture us, though they may bring torment for a season. The REAL purpose is to free us from that which keeps us in bondage. Do you see the demonstration of agape love in that? The Lord's disciplines do not CANCEL God's covenant to set us right with Himself. Our Father's "fires" are part of His means to FULFILL His covenant! They are NOT unending.

The Lord's fiery judgments and disciplines are only "everlasting" in the sense that they are THOROUGH. His purifying fires do not cease burning UNTIL they've done their good work. God's corrective disciplines continue until they help to ACCOMPLISH the restoration of ALL things "spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began," (Acts 3:21)

Those who disobey the Gospel and persecute Christians will suffer the consequences of "everlasting" (that is, continuous) tribulation, destruction and punishment UNTIL, by loving, persistent correction, God shows them their need for Christ.

What was written by the prophets WILL come to pass, that all shall be taught of God, and everyone who has heard and learned from the Father (eventually) comes to Christ. Thus, all the families of the nations will worship Him. All will submit to Him and sing His praises. God's promise will be fulfilled and ALL men shall reverence Him, proclaim His works, and wisely consider His doing (Ps. 22:27-28, 64:4-5, 64:9, 2 Thess. 1:7-10).

To me, that paints a beautiful, faith-inspiring, awesome, loving picture - so much better than the "eternal" torment which many ascribe to, Christian and non-Christian alike.

Without exception, the question always comes, "Does that include Hitler? Surely HE deserves God's fiery Hell!" Yes, God's mercy extends even to him... and Adam, father of all OTHER deviant humans ever born whose sins required a Savior.

The mind boggles at the depth and power of that kind of love, grace, mercy and forgiveness. Yet, as we cannot help but humanize God's attributes, most Christians struggle with anything short of extreme torment. Myself included, but truth is truth. (By the way, Hitler only punished the Jews for a few years. According to the "Christian" teaching on Hell, God will take those SAME Jews and burn them FOREVER in a pit of fire. Who's worse?) We struggle with these questions because we have imagined God in our own image, where all activity ends at the grave. Our (spiritual) life does not end there; our physical life, which is actually death, does. As Jesus said, "He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living...,"(Mark 12:27 KJV).

One more thing: at the risk of getting political, though Hitler and other tyrants - including Christian leaders - throughout world history have killed millions, let's remember that a handful of Supreme Court justices who've brought a death sentence upon FIFTY MILLION babies, 4500 daily, through legalized abortion.

Just thinking.


Almost all translations and concordances will describe Hell as a place of eternal torment. But its definition is not true according to the original language - and anyone, including you, can check that out for yourself. Perhaps the following will aid you:

The correct word for "eternal" (aion or aeon) is defined by Marvin Vincent, D.D., Baldwin Professor of Sacred Literature at Union Theological Seminary, New York, as a period of longer or shorter duration, having a beginning and an end, and complete in itself. "There is one aeon of a human life, another of the life of a nation, another of a crow's life, another of an oak's life. The length of the aeon depends on the subject to which it is attached." Torment in the fire is NOT eternal; not never-ending. Jonah was in the whale's belly "forever"... that's what it says but it was REALLY only 3 days and 3 nights. The word we use for "eternity" is a mistranslation.

The English word "hell" originally came from the Anglo-Saxon word "hel" which was a genitive form of the word "helle" meaning "a hidden place", also the word "helan" meant to cover or conceal. Such a primitive meaning is found in the English word hole, i.e., a hole in the ground. If something was buried in a pit, it could be said to be in an Anglo-Saxon "hel" or hidden place. Something that covers the head is a "helmet."

In some parts of England to cover a building with a roof with tiles or thatch was "to hell the building," and the job was done by people called "helliers." (Please write Pastor Michael at to obtain this article in its entirety)

The Doctrine of Hell - Here's Why You Don't Really Believe in It
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  • 9 in. D x 1.13 in Thick
  • Solid Wood construction
  • Grooved design is ideal for displaying collectibles
  • Made in China With its traditional design and beveled edges, this shelf kit is a perfect compliment to any decor. Its extra thick shelf

Christmas Sales Solid Wood Shelf Kit w Curved Brackets & Oak Finish - Venezia Overview

Display your collectibles in style with this attractive Venezia solid wood wall shelf kit. The set includes the sturdy clipped-corner oak finish shelf which is over one inch thick. The support brackets have an interesting wave-edge design. The surface of the shelf has a groove along the length so decorative plates or picture frames will stay securely in place. This handy shelf is nine inches deep and comes in your choice of lengths. Solid oak finish 9 inch wall shelf kit is available in a choice of lengths, and includes a pair of wave-edge support brackets. 9 in. D x 1.13 in ThickSolid Wood constructionGrooved design is ideal for displaying collectiblesMade in China With its traditional design and beveled edges, this shelf kit is a perfect compliment to any decor. Its extra thick shelf

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Solid Wood Shelf Kit w Curved Brackets & Oak Finish - Venezia ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Solid Wood Shelf Kit w Curved Brackets & Oak Finish - Venezia

Limited Offer Today!! Solid Wood Shelf Kit w Curved Brackets & Oak Finish - Venezia Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Lamp End Tables

Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase

Christmas Sales Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase 201

Dec 13, 2011 11:52:05

Christmas Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase Deals
Click for larger image and other views

Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase <<

Christmas Sales Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase Feature

  • Item # : TE-PP-ODL-3229
  • Dimensions: 31.5" W x 29" H x 13" D
  • Oak
  • Brand New Item
  • Free Shipping within the lower 48 contiguous (USA states)

Christmas Sales Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase Overview

This upscale and attractive look is a great addition to your study, office or living room. With three sizes to choose from, our Sonoma series bookcases can be individually arranged or grouped together to create a library wall filled with books and collectibles. Notable enhancements include a profiled top, side moldings, an arched kick plate and co-ordinated Oak or Maple backer. Constructed from a combination of high quality, laminated composite woods, this attractive series offers extremely good value for stylish yet budget conscious buyers. Colors Available: Maple, Oak.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase

Limited Offer Today!! Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Outdoor Speaker Mounts Compact Tactical Scopes Sigma Lenses For Canon

Dietary Supplements - The Most Important of the Important

With so many dietary supplements at the disposal of those seeking good health, determining which ones to take can be a very confusing task. How does one decipher between all of the multiples, antioxidants, herbs, essential fatty acids, and others? All too often, many people (out of nothing more that sheer frustration) end up grabbing anything off the shelf in the hopes that it will provide them with what they need. This would be the equivalent of choosing a car without taking a test drive, or a new home without looking inside.

Solid Oak Shelf

Each one of us is an incredibly unique work of DNA and cellular composition, and this is just one of many reasons why choosing the right mix of supplements can be confusing. Since no two humans are alike, it stands to reason that no two nutrition regimens will affect two people in exactly the same manner. The simple truth is that it can take many attempts to determine which particular arrangement of dietary supplements works best for your absolutely unique needs.

Solid Oak Shelf

If there is one characteristic that we all do share, it is that we all have a number of basic nutritional requirements. Long before today's modern diet, most of the nutrients we needed were easily obtained from food. As time passed and modern diet continues to evolve, the methods in which foods are processed, raised, and cultivated has changed significantly. In fact, a concerning percentage of today's most popular foods are genetically modified, treated with hormones & preservatives, and exposed to pesticides and other chemical contaminants. The negative manner in which the modern diet has evolved has made it next to impossible to obtain certain nutrients from supplements and other sources.

To help eliminate some of the confusion, let's explore the big six essential dietary supplements.

Daily Multiple Formula
If you were to take just one supplement, very few would rival the benefit and importance of a good daily multiple. There is a very good reason why we rarely hear these referred to as multi vitamins. Today's formulas contain not only vitamins and minerals, but enzymes, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, male/female support compounds, herbs, supergreen foods, and more. Multiples are essential for anyone who is not consuming a perfect diet, as they help bridge the nutritional gaps in today's diet. Even better, there is a multiple for just about everyone these days-men, women, kids, athletes, seniors, diabetics, vegetarians, pregnancy, etc. Choosing a multiple can be just as confusing as choosing a core supplement regimen. Considering the long term importance of the multiple, it might be wise to consult an unbiased expert in nutrition. They will be able to help you identify specific compounds that coincide with your unique needs and goals.

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids (Fish Oil)
Thanks in part to the media and scores of loyal users, Omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA) now teeters on the brink of household names status. And the timing couldn't be better, because the human body was never intended to function without them. It would be like trying to start a car without motor oil. In short, we call these essential fatty acids for a reason-the body needs them, but can't make them on their own. This is bad, because without them, the functionality of many systems suffers. The cardiovascular system ends up using saturated fat to construct new cells, cholesterol builds up within the arterial walls, the brain is denied the EFA it needs to function properly, the cellular energy needed to burn fat is missing, and the list just goes on.

If you are limited to taking only one dietary supplement, make it a multiple formula. If you're in a position to add one more, make that one an Omega-3. Then, take 3,000 mg a day in three divided doses with your larger meals. Another thing--anyone who allows their doctor to prescribe Fish Oil to them should worry less about their heart, and instead, have their head examined. There are dozens of highly-concentrated, meticulously-purified fish oil supplements available at respectable health stores; many of which are more potent than the Rx version, without the side effects.

Antioxidants scour the body looking for unstable molecules in prime cellular position to wreak havoc-compounds more commonly known as free radicals. Free radicals are caused by exposure to airborne toxins, smoke, exhaust, heavy metals, bacteria, and other pathogens. Over time, they can be very damaging to healthy cells and cell cycle development, which can ultimately lead to a number of health concerns. There are many antioxidants available to help counter their effects, including vitamins A, C, E, Selenium, CoQ10, Green Tea, Grape Seed, Resveratrol, Pycnogenol and others. One of the most popular is Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), a highly versatile antioxidant that can travel to any system of the body. ALA is both fat and water soluble, which allows it to fight oxidation within any of the body's cells.

Digestive Enzymes
It is just remarkable to think that enzymes have somehow slipped through the cracks in terms of "fundamental" nutrients. These highly specialized proteins are, in essence, the body's biological workforce. They transmit messages, build new cells, remove cellular waste, break down foods, and the list just goes on. At conception, each one of us is preprogrammed to produce a very specific number of enzymes throughout of life; a concept known as enzyme potential. When they're gone, they gone, leaving us at the mercy of our diet to get the enzymes we need. Sadly, today's modern diet is about as respectable as a corrupt warden. And because it is so poor, we're forced to exhaust more enzymes than we ever should. Ever wonder why so many Americans are fat, lazy, and unmotivated? My guess is that it has a lot to do with the fact that so many of us are enzyme deficient. The easiest way this is to get in the habit of taking a digestive enzyme with each meal.

Dietary Fiber
I rarely see people lugging enormous sacks of fruit over their shoulder, which has lead me and about a gazillion other nutritionists to believe that we are a society that is grossly deficient in fiber. This is bad. Not only does fiber bulk and swell within the digestive tract to keep things moving along, it also absorbs excess fats and cholesterol before they have a chance to be absorbed into the bloodstream and stored throughout the body. The current recommended daily intake of dietary fiber is between 25 and 30 grams. This, obviously, would amount to an insane amount of romaine lettuce or broccoli. An easier approach would be to supplement the diet with a bulking fiber such as psyllium, pectin, or glucommannan. All three are available in capsules (or powders, if you're so inclined), and are very effective with minimal side effects. Be sure to drink lots of water, though. Fiber can bulk to 100 times its original size, and the last thing anyone wants is a constricted esophagus.

Probiotics (Acidophilus & Bifidus)
Last but absolutely not least, are probiotics. We've all seen the yogurt commercials and heard plenty of people misuse the word "cultures." But the simple truth is that the human gastrointestinal tract (the small intestines and colon) is a breeding ground of microbial life. Everything we eat, drink, breathe, snort, nibble, lick, and smoke contains toxins and bacteria. Eventually, they all retire in your gut. It's like a veritable Florida for germs. The body's total level of health (and this is no exaggeration) is dependent on the ratio of good to bad bacteria that resides within you. If there is more good bacteria than bad, things are generally under control. When the bad outweighs the good, things get ugly. Digestion suffers, the immune system is forced to work overtime, and the body becomes prone to infection, odor, bad skin, exhaustion and many other undesirable conditions.

A poor diet is just one reason why this happens in so many people. Magnifying the epidemic is the fact that today's physicians rarely, if ever, educate their patients on the importance of repopulating their GI tract with good bacteria after 10 consecutive days of antibiotics. You see, everyone loves antibiotics because the make you better, but what few realize is that antibiotics wipe out every form of bacteria in its path; good and bad. Once the digestive battlefield is barren, most people go back to eating the slop that got them sick in the first place. As a result, the intestines become rife with bad bacteria. It's a vicious cycle that has helped keep America fat, sick, and sluggish. And for the record, yogurt won't give you anywhere near the amount of probiotics you need to stay healthy. Get yourself a high potency (5-10 billion live cells) formula, keep it in your refrigerator, and take it 1-2 times a day.

If you've been paying attention, you may have noticed a trend; three of the six most important supplements support the digestive process. This is not by chance. Digestion is an incredibly important, incredibly underrated aspect of human health. Remember, the nutrients we need are absorbed through the walls of the small intestines, not the stomach, as so many seem to believe. If the digestive system is in bad shape, there's not much hope for the rest of the body. Somewhere along the lines, we got it wrong. We cut out the fat (which we actually need), ditched the carbs (which left us exhausted), and put all of the emphasis on our hearts. No, I'm not knocking the need for cardio, but rather suggesting that we need to give digestion the attention it deserves. It we don't start taking our digestive health seriously, there is no limit to how obese and sloth-like we can become.

So there you have it - six of the best supplements to get started. Now, just because I've suggested these here in this forum doesn't mean that it's going to solve all of your health problems. You need to keep in mind that dietary supplements are just that; meant to supplement the diet. If you have any doubts, spend a few bucks and work with a qualified nutritionist. Their advice can be of immeasurable value. The supplements discussed here can serve as a solid foundation to ensure that your core nutrient needs are being met. Eat a balanced diet, keep active, avoid fast food and high fructose corn syrups, and you'll be well on your way to feeling a helluva lot better.

Dietary Supplements - The Most Important of the Important
Solid Oak Shelf

Christmas Sales Ennospace 24 Inch x 8 Inch x 0.75 Inch Classical Solid Wood Wall Shelf with Brackets Honey Oak 201

Dec 12, 2011 14:48:26

Christmas Ennospace 24 Inch x 8 Inch x 0.75 Inch Classical Solid Wood Wall Shelf with Brackets Honey Oak Deals
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Ennospace 24 Inch x 8 Inch x 0.75 Inch Classical Solid Wood Wall Shelf with Brackets Honey Oak

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Ennospace 24 Inch x 8 Inch x 0.75 Inch Classical Solid Wood Wall Shelf with Brackets Honey Oak <<

Christmas Sales Ennospace 24 Inch x 8 Inch x 0.75 Inch Classical Solid Wood Wall Shelf with Brackets Honey Oak Feature

  • it's made from solid wood
  • With its sleek straight lines, this shelf adds a "European-style" to your home.
  • It's easy to install in minutes, come with all hardware. You can hang several shelves to create library, display and highlight a favorite collectible.

Christmas Sales Ennospace 24 Inch x 8 Inch x 0.75 Inch Classical Solid Wood Wall Shelf with Brackets Honey Oak Overview

It's made from solid wood. With its sleek straight lines, this shelf adds a "European-style" to your home. The unique mounting system makes this shelf easy to install and highly functional. It mounts securely to any wall in your home and is sturdy enough to hold ceramics and even heavy books. It's easy to install in minutes, come with all hardware. You can hang several shelves to create library, display and highlight a favorite collectible.Size: 24"L x 8"D x 0.75"T

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Ennospace 24 Inch x 8 Inch x 0.75 Inch Classical Solid Wood Wall Shelf with Brackets Honey Oak ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Ennospace 24 Inch x 8 Inch x 0.75 Inch Classical Solid Wood Wall Shelf with Brackets Honey Oak

Limited Offer Today!! Ennospace 24 Inch x 8 Inch x 0.75 Inch Classical Solid Wood Wall Shelf with Brackets Honey Oak Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Cotton Comforters Sets

Best Ways To Display Family Photos With Oak Curios

It is a sign of pride when you display your family photos. Displaying photos of your children, grandchildren, parents, grandparents, nieces, nephews, and other relatives is a time honored tradition in many families. Each year you receive new photographs of your family members to display, why not keep them safe, and display them beautifully with solid oak curios.

Solid Oak Shelf

There are many different ways you can display your family photos with an oak curio cabinet. Because they come in many different sizes, you can choose the size that fits well with your needs, as well as your home décor. The first thing you want to do is choose the right picture frames. These frames should match the curio cabinet décor. For example, with oak curios, you might want to choose dark wood or even golden frames to accentuate the decorative aspects of the oak wood.

Solid Oak Shelf

After choosing which photo frames work best within your oak curio, then you should begin to arrange them. Arrange them by family. For example, with your immediate family, you, your spouse, and your children, you should place them near the top or in the middle. Arrange them in any order you wish, but you might choose to place a photo of the entire family in the middle with individual photographs off the sides at an angle.

Then on other shelves, you can place the photographs by family. You could place your son with his spouse and children on one and your daughter with her spouse and children on another, whichever best fits your family. Of course, some people use oak curio cabinets to display the generations within their family.

The first generation photos may be displayed on top and subsequent generations on additional shelves. If you choose to go with the generation idea, you should give some thought to additional items within the oak curio cabinet as well. For example, with the first generation, you could have photographs, as well as heirloom items specifically from that generation, such as wedding memorabilia or other mementos from that generation and apply the same technique with subsequent generations.

You should never crowd your oak curio, keep everything spaced apart evenly and matched well together. Half of the fun is displaying the family photographs, the greatest fun comes from the years of viewing and showing off this display to other family members, friends, and visitors to your home.

You will delight in your oak curio cabinet and enjoy it for many years to come, even passing it down as an heirloom from one generation to the next so many generations of your family can get the same enjoyment as you now have.

Best Ways To Display Family Photos With Oak Curios
Solid Oak Shelf

Christmas Sales Mission Coat Rack- 51.5" Solid Oak with Shelf - 5-hook - Custom Handmade Pick Your Own Stain 201

Dec 11, 2011 17:44:11

Christmas Mission Coat Rack- 51.5
Click for larger image and other views

Mission Coat Rack- 51.5

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Mission Coat Rack- 51.5" Solid Oak with Shelf - 5-hook - Custom Handmade Pick Your Own Stain <<

Christmas Sales Mission Coat Rack- 51.5" Solid Oak with Shelf - 5-hook - Custom Handmade Pick Your Own Stain Feature

  • We will email you after you order to get your stain choice (you CANNOT select it here). See stain samples above or select any minwax stain. Unfinished also Available.
  • It takes 3-6 weeks to ship. Contact us to find out our next shipment date.
  • 51.5"L x 7"d x 9"h. Custom made by the Amish. Check our storefront ( for more wood options & sizes. Contact us as we can do most cusomizations.
  • Solid Oak. No veneers. Pictured with Michaels Stain.
  • Black Heavy Duty Wrought Iron Hooks. (other hooks available if you contact us). Mounting holes designed to screw into wall studs to support the weight of coats. Plate groove that runs the entire width of the shelf.

Christmas Sales Mission Coat Rack- 51.5" Solid Oak with Shelf - 5-hook - Custom Handmade Pick Your Own Stain Overview

Dimensions: 51.5"L x 7"d x 9"h. High quality Amish Craftsmanship coming straight from Amish Country. This item serves as a coat & cap rack, shelf, and plate shelf. Available Stains: Any minwax stain or choose from one of our stain samples: Light Oak, Fruitwood, Cherry, Michaels & Mahogany (slight reddish hues). Our stain samples are pictured above (make sure to click on "View All Product Images"). ***Disclaimer: Stain finish samples below will vary by computer screen. Also, the stain on the finished piece will vary by grain of wood and application method. We do not claim that the samples will 100% match your finished piece.*** See our store for other size and custom options: Our storefront can be accessed here

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Mission Coat Rack- 51.5" Solid Oak with Shelf - 5-hook - Custom Handmade Pick Your Own Stain ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Mission Coat Rack- 51.5

Limited Offer Today!! Mission Coat Rack- 51.5" Solid Oak with Shelf - 5-hook - Custom Handmade Pick Your Own Stain Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Cot Mattress Porta Crib Side Rails For Queen Bed

Ennospace 29.5 Inch x 4.25 Inch x 29.5 Inch Lexington Solid Wood Globe Cross Shelf Honey Oak

Christmas Sales Ennospace 29.5 Inch x 4.25 Inch x 29.5 Inch Lexington Solid Wood Globe Cross Shelf Honey Oak 201

Dec 10, 2011 20:38:48

Christmas Ennospace 29.5 Inch x 4.25 Inch x 29.5 Inch Lexington Solid Wood Globe Cross Shelf Honey Oak Deals
Click for larger image and other views

Ennospace 29.5 Inch x 4.25 Inch x 29.5 Inch Lexington Solid Wood Globe Cross Shelf Honey Oak

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Ennospace 29.5 Inch x 4.25 Inch x 29.5 Inch Lexington Solid Wood Globe Cross Shelf Honey Oak <<

Christmas Sales Ennospace 29.5 Inch x 4.25 Inch x 29.5 Inch Lexington Solid Wood Globe Cross Shelf Honey Oak Feature

  • Combine multiple sets to create an interesting display
  • Both a handy and decorative piece for your home
  • Sleek, combines convenience and space saving design
  • Mounts easily and includes all necessary hardware

Christmas Sales Ennospace 29.5 Inch x 4.25 Inch x 29.5 Inch Lexington Solid Wood Globe Cross Shelf Honey Oak Overview

This cross display shelf is made from pine. You can hang it to create library, display and highlight a favorite collectible.Size: 29.5H" x 4.25"D x 29.5"L

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Ennospace 29.5 Inch x 4.25 Inch x 29.5 Inch Lexington Solid Wood Globe Cross Shelf Honey Oak ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Ennospace 29.5 Inch x 4.25 Inch x 29.5 Inch Lexington Solid Wood Globe Cross Shelf Honey Oak

Limited Offer Today!! Ennospace 29.5 Inch x 4.25 Inch x 29.5 Inch Lexington Solid Wood Globe Cross Shelf Honey Oak Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Hanging Corner Shelves Toy Storage Shelf Bushnell Trophy Scope

Fireplace Mantel Design - How You Can Create The Ultimate Fireplace Mantel

One of the most important parts to any fireplace is the fireplace mantel design. You can have the greatest looking wood burning fireplace, but without a nice fireplace mantel it will not give your room a warm, comfortable feeling. When you consider a fireplace mantel design you should take into account what you want to place on the mantel. Whether it is family pictures or other personal items, you want to be sure your design allows you enough room for everything.

Solid Oak Shelf

Fireplace mantels can be made from several varieties of wood, with oak being the most popular. You will want to keep in mind the design style of your home before making a choice of material though. What is your main color scheme? What is your main design element? Your fireplace mantel design can add to, or distract from, your home's interior design scheme without the right choice of material.

Solid Oak Shelf

You can also consider fireplace mantels made from other materials such as marble, rock slabs, stones, or even iron. You're only limited by your imagination when it comes to mantel design.

You will also want to think about the entire mantelpiece. What I mean by that is, you may want not only a simple mantel above the fireplace, but perhaps an entire facade which could include bookshelves and other compartments to hold precious items you would like to display.

If you find you are having difficulty in coming up with a solid design scheme, you can always use the services of an interior designer. They are experts at coming up with design ides and can help show you what the finished fireplace mantel will look like.

The good news is that when you decide on your fireplace mantel design, the install will be the easiest part. It takes nothing more than attaching it to your fireplace.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

Fireplace Mantel Design - How You Can Create The Ultimate Fireplace Mantel
Solid Oak Shelf

Christmas Sales Oak Finish Wood Hall Tree Style Coat Hat Rack Stand 201

Dec 09, 2011 23:31:39

Christmas Oak Finish Wood Hall Tree Style Coat Hat Rack Stand Deals
Click for larger image and other views

Oak Finish Wood Hall Tree Style Coat Hat Rack Stand

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Oak Finish Wood Hall Tree Style Coat Hat Rack Stand <<

Christmas Sales Oak Finish Wood Hall Tree Style Coat Hat Rack Stand Feature

  • New Oak Hall Tree Wood Coat/Hat Rack Stand NR Furniture
  • Home Decor - Also available in Twist Style ASIN# B000LTKJTW
  • Home Decor - Coat Racks

Christmas Sales Oak Finish Wood Hall Tree Style Coat Hat Rack Stand Overview

Oak Finish Wood Hall Tree Style Coat Hat Rack Stand You are looking at a brand new Coat/Hat Rack Stand in Oak Finish Wood Hall Tree Style. The stand is carved with detail and has 6 hangers at top. Will make a great welcome room or office décor addition. (Requires Simple Assembly) Dimensions Measure: 19 1/2"L x 19 1/2"W x 71 1/2"H Also available in Twist Style ASIN# B000LTKJTW

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Oak Finish Wood Hall Tree Style Coat Hat Rack Stand ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Oak Finish Wood Hall Tree Style Coat Hat Rack Stand

Limited Offer Today!! Oak Finish Wood Hall Tree Style Coat Hat Rack Stand Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Camera Gorilla Tripod Tamron Camera Lenses

Enjoy Multi-Positioning Viewing With a Rotating TV Stand

Spin a TV set in a complete 360-degree turn to achieve multi-positioning viewing with an efficient, low profile and elegant swivel television stand.

Solid Oak Shelf

A rotating TV stand (also called a platform, turntable or swivel stand) is designed with a complete 360-degree rotation to give a comfortable viewing position to almost any seating position in a living or entertainment room. Spin a stand 180-degrees to face the opposite direction or make a light-turn either left or right for a slight adjustment.

Solid Oak Shelf

TV furniture pieces of this nature offer a solid construction, with an ability to accept television sets at 15 to 43-inch, and a weight capacity in the region of 65 to 150-pounds.

Rotating platform provide flexible placement options, with an option to locate in a wide variety of positions, such as on a sideboard, table, countertop or other fixed-position TV stand. The swivel function, rotating on steel bearings, often gives a smooth turn, meaning that a soft touch is that is required to arrive at that favored viewing angle.

A 2-tier unit, with an extra low-level shelf, offers a perfect place to store a satellite box, DVD player, games system, amplifier, VCR or similar AV components in need of a safe, tidy spot to be housed.

Stylish designed stands complements most flat-screen or CRT displays, with a choice of colors (chocolate, white, black, dark cherry, honey, etc.) to blend in with most decor schemes, and finished with non-marring feet to protect a furniture piece, as well as to give a more stable footing on a smooth surface.

All in all, a practical viewing product, such as the TV turntable, provides a simple solution to setting a comfortable viewing angle for watching a television set or computer monitor in a living room, bedroom, or kitchen.

Enjoy Multi-Positioning Viewing With a Rotating TV Stand
Solid Oak Shelf

Christmas Sales Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase 201

Dec 09, 2011 02:26:27

Christmas Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase Deals
Click for larger image and other views

Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase <<

Christmas Sales Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase Feature

  • Item # : TE-PP-ODL-3229
  • Dimensions: 31.5" W x 29" H x 13" D
  • Oak
  • Brand New Item
  • Free Shipping within the lower 48 contiguous (USA states)

Christmas Sales Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase Overview

This upscale and attractive look is a great addition to your study, office or living room. With three sizes to choose from, our Sonoma series bookcases can be individually arranged or grouped together to create a library wall filled with books and collectibles. Notable enhancements include a profiled top, side moldings, an arched kick plate and co-ordinated Oak or Maple backer. Constructed from a combination of high quality, laminated composite woods, this attractive series offers extremely good value for stylish yet budget conscious buyers. Colors Available: Maple, Oak.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase

Limited Offer Today!! Sonoma Contemporary Oak Finish 2-Shelf Bookcase Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Mattress Outlet Folding Stackable Bookcase

Amish Quilt Rack with Shelf -30"- Solid Oak (Choose Your Custom Stain Option)

Christmas Sales Amish Quilt Rack with Shelf -30"- Solid Oak (Choose Your Custom Stain Option) 201

Dec 08, 2011 05:18:11

Christmas Amish Quilt Rack with Shelf -30
Click for larger image and other views

Amish Quilt Rack with Shelf -30

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Amish Quilt Rack with Shelf -30"- Solid Oak (Choose Your Custom Stain Option) <<

Christmas Sales Amish Quilt Rack with Shelf -30"- Solid Oak (Choose Your Custom Stain Option) Feature

  • Custom Made in Ohio Amish Country
  • Solid Oak: Many Stains & Unfinished Available
  • Pictured in Solid Oak with Black Walnut Stain
  • Mounting holes designed to screw into wall studs to support weight.
  • Custom Made for You! Allow 4-8 weeks for Delivery. We will email you for your stain option after you order. We can not process your order until you have selected your stain option . Failure to do so will delay your order. Other Options available including Wood Type(Cherry also avail), and Length. Please contact us with any desired customization for a quote.

Christmas Sales Amish Quilt Rack with Shelf -30"- Solid Oak (Choose Your Custom Stain Option) Overview

High quality Amish Craftmanship coming straight from Ohio Amish Country. Available Stains: Light Oak, Fruitwood, Black Walnut(Pictured), Cherry, Michael's, Mahogany, Black Paint, and Unfinished.All stain examples are pictured above (make sure to click on "View All Product Images"). ***Disclaimer: Stain finish samples below will vary by computer screen. Also, the stain on the finished piecewill vary by grain of wood and application method. We do not claim that the samples will 100% match your finished piece.****** Allow up to 4-8 weeks for shipment(item is made to order)*** We cannot start processing orders until you have notified us of your stain choice. Failure to notify us promptly can delay shipment.***See our store for other size and custom options: Our store can be accessed through our seller detail page then click link to our store front.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Amish Quilt Rack with Shelf -30"- Solid Oak (Choose Your Custom Stain Option) ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Amish Quilt Rack with Shelf -30

Limited Offer Today!! Amish Quilt Rack with Shelf -30"- Solid Oak (Choose Your Custom Stain Option) Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Nikon Dslr Body Only Collapsible Toy Box